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Pink Gradient

The Kirsten Haglund Foundation

The KHF “Virtual Transitional Living Program” seeks to provide a safe nurturing and supportive environment for individuals to promote sustained recovery from disordered eating and foster independent living.

Jeff Ohler Memorial Fund

Pink Gradient



The Mission of the Kirsten Haglund Foundation (KHF) is to provide hope, networking, and financial aid to those seeking treatment and freedom from eating disorders.
Love your body. Rock the world.

"Kaylin, our first scholarship recipient, shares her story of recovery. It is our honor with Kaylin's support, to create the Jeff Ohler Memorial Scholarship. This is the first scholarship available to someone who needs extra assistance to be a participant in the VTLP. We are grateful to Kaylin and her family for this legacy of love gifted to KHF." 

To donate to the Jeff Ohler Memorial Scholarship or to apply for a scholarship please visit:

Kaylin Boni LLC

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